Congratulations, you are booked. Below are the details to prepare for your session. Look for your confirmation for your booking in your email.
To prepare for your Akashic Initiaton.
Once you decide to engage with the Akashic field, things start shifting. Be sure to drink lots of water before during and after your reading and plan to have time to integrate after the session.
By booking this session you consent to having your Akashic Records opened and read by me.
Notes for your Akashic Reading:
* Drink plenty of water, healing is thirsty work.
* No alcohol 8 hours before the reading. (prescription meds are ok)
* Leave some time after the reading to integrate -consider a reflective activity such as taking a walk, nap or bath or writing in your journal.
* Be gentle and compassionate with yourself.
At the time of your reading -
Sit in a quiet place where you won't be disturbed, with your feet on the floor.
I will see you in the zoom room
* tissues
* water to drink
* a notebook/ pen
* between 4-6 questions / background in the area you wish to create change/ be initiated into
Formulating Questions-
Come to the Initiation with question/s and background around the area you are looking to change.
Because your records are vast, the more specific, direct and significant your question the easier it is to release energetic weight and shift and align your system to your most aligned frequencies.
I will be able to assist you if you need guidance on what you need help with, which can be related to any aspect of your life, work, relationships, experiences etc or all of them.
Phrase questions like -
* Can you tell me about (this pattern, experience or feeling) ..........
* Is there something that can be released around .........
* Is there anything masked, hidden or cloaked about ......
* What can I know about (relationship, business, past life etc)
* Is there a vow or contract that can be cleared around .....
* Do I have a limitation around (a belief or experience)......
The “Akashic Records” are the past, present, and future knowledge of all things, the recording of a Soul's journey from its inception to the present, which point to the possibilities of its spiritual development.
To a large extent, your openness determines what happens during the session. The information given is not intended as fortune telling and sometimes requires work on your part to meet the challenges and suggestions offered in your best interest. You have the power to create your future, which is not fixed.
I use a sacred invocation to open your Records. Information from your Records is offered with the greatest honor, integrity and love and is meant to assist you in growing personally and spiritually for your highest good and healing. All counsel given and received in this session will be kept confidential.
This consultation is intended to provide general and inner developmental information only and is not intended as legal or financial advice, psychological or psychiatric counsel, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
Consult your physician or health care professional regarding particular health matters. Jen Duchene disclaims any liability arising directly or indirectly from any information given or received in this consultation.